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Friday, April 25, 2014


Yaaa. aimi+dila+intan+nad+qie+ila+of coshh lah me. my dearest housemates ever currently in uitm kuala pilah. huuuuu so next sem, aku sorang je yang transfer g jasin. sorang stay and yang lain semua transfer tapah. So many crazy things that we've made together that will make me remember uollss. huu really miss them right now.

       minah minah double triple gedik. part one. time ni dah kuaq la jugak perangai gila gila tuu.

                                                                                                                                                                                                aimi nadhirah. hah dia ni kuat study. nih ceq nak bagi tabik spring kat hang:))
mak and ayahhh <3 

thats grey scarf tu.. ila.. hee miss you kelate's gegirl.

There's too much word to say. Dorang la yang tahu betapa penatnya aku tiap kali jumaat. yg urut ceq bila sakit bagai laaa.. haha. kaki jalan#legwalk. haha! share story semua lahh.. huuuuu especially to Intan. she was the most ever friend yang faham aku,kira masuk la ngan aku. haaaa setia ngan hajral tauu.and she was tough girl yang memang intelligent part study, yang memang ingat mama dia when she's doing something.

akhir kalam, cehh penah belajaq arab kan dulu..
semoga ukhuwah fillah kita takkan ending kat sini je. semoga kekal till jannah nanti ea semua :))
uhibbukifillah. <3

Thursday, December 13, 2012

story about my geng *geng kapak* in secondary school

hello,haha,(teringat masa2 dulu time sekolah menengah yang geng aku ney x suke lgsung ikut peraturan),hoho,really luck because get friends like them,anyway,all of that are old story,now,we have change,
that's blue sweater is me and beside me,she is,Nur Syahira,(suka gila merepek dan bila gelak,macam pewhhh,gegar dunia),this picture was took when I was in form 2,haha,(lama suda),we went to cameron highland for (khidmat masyarakat),
hah,that's white spect is me and beside me,shorter than me is Nur Razni,she really cute like a baby,she also really like to laugh and she is a clever person,we together until form 3 only,and after got best result in PMR,she moved out to sekolah menengah sains tapah,btw,we still contact and she will ask me to choose for blouse to wear in her dinner,
here,she is Nur Syazwani,or also can call her as Nai or Wunny or Nainai,hoho,she lives in semenyih,kajang,she rarely went home because of far from school,look at her,please,look carefully,please,like chinese look,act,all her member's family also look like that,(turun temurun)
see that spect's girl,or wear uniform school,she is,Fatin Nabila,she little cute and really(ganas macam laki),trully boy,she also moved to sekolah menengah sains kuala selangor after got 9A'S in PMR,then,she also (suka gila belanja orang),thanks so much,

(dia ni plak)Siti Nurhawa,nice name right,she like to smile,and many boys attract to her,hot beb,and she also (rapat gila) with kiki,*syukri*,mr jambu boys,

Nur najihah,the most (kelakar)girl,(gila gila klaka,klaka gila)like makcik2,100% macam makcik,inah kot,she lives in shah alam,she also have been sleep in my house and (kuat gila makan),one day,she bring her popia,popia kambing,pewhhh,really appetizing macam nak muntah,we immediately throw it,sorry,look,klaka gila,menipu je kata sedap,hampeh,

so,we are,jieyha,ayda,razni,syera,fatin and hawa,and wunny,
I hope and really hope that our relationship just not stop at here,but until we being a grandmother,
actually,I don't want to share what we have done in school and hostel,
(sebab banyak gila dan jahat gila),
secondary school,normal thing what for us,correct?,

so,that's all,yeahhhhh,

Monday, December 10, 2012

tutorial nak licinkan muka,bagi yang berjerawat,x kira batu atau tak,and yang banyak parut

Hey guys,you all have problems with acne on your face? hah, this is several step that I can give to you based on my experience=),haha,(kantoi pulak):

IKHTIAR,anything that we want to do must be started with this step,
you must read many of magazine that have information about how to treat your acne,

I bagi terus je la eh:
1) Drink about 1 glass of mineral water in the morning after you wake up from sleep,and make sure do not brush your teeth first,don't think it's weird, but, it's trully, because after we wake up from sleep,importantly that we must get enough oxygen for breath,so this step is helpful to you to make your face clean from any acne,

2) Stop from using any product of face that you always used before this, because from my experience, my face is started appear several acne is because of wrong in using facial product. So,please stop use it. Stop ok.

3) Please take a piece of paper and write this step,
pour about (entah agak2 1 mangkuk kot tepung beras) and mix it with (kunyit) actually,this is my grandma's step(turun-temurun la katakan),and not forget to mix it with a little water.

4) This step is really important,make sure all of you take (wudu') before sleep and whenever time you want,trust me,your face will look more clean and (suci),insyaallah,

and I really hope that your face will be clean from acne,like this picture,haha,
so,try your best!,
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